History and Nature Co-Exist at Raymond

History and Nature Co-Exist at Raymond

While most everyone around the nation was getting ready for Thanksgiving by cooking or travelling, the day before our expressly American holiday Friends of Raymond (FOR) completed its most recent improvement to the Raymond Battlefield and the Raymond Walking Trail...
Friends of Raymond received an Award of Merit

Friends of Raymond received an Award of Merit

Friends of Raymond received an Award of Merit The Mississippi Historical Society held its annual meeting March 10–11 in Hattiesburg to honor its 2022 award winners, including the best Mississippi History Book of 2021, the lifetime achievement award, teacher of the...
Significant Gift Bequeathed to Friends of Raymond

Significant Gift Bequeathed to Friends of Raymond

Raymond native Mary Will McKenzie, a world-renowned occupational therapist and educator, recently bequeathed a significant gift to the Friends of Raymond. “We were so honored that Miss McKenzie remembered Friends of Raymond in such a generous and meaningful way,” said...