Raymond, Mississippi, is a city with a long history and many historic sites. From the Natchez Trace to the Battle of Raymond to the post- Civil War period, right up to present day, there are many stories to tell. The mission of Friends of Raymond is to seek to preserve this history and tell these stories.
Produced by Jim Albritton | Newsocracy | Retired Brigadier General Parker Hills leads a bus tour of the “Roads to Raymond” during the Civil War’s Vicksburg Campaign. Follow the path of Union troops from Grand Gulf to Port Gibson and on to the Raymond Battlefield and the burning of Jackson. The tour is part of the annual Pilgrimage celebration for the City of Raymond, Mississippi. For more information, go to Friends of Raymond at https://friendsofraymond.org, and Battle Focus at http://battlefocus.com
Click on these links to learn more about FOR history:
- A list of all former and present board members can be found (Here)
- Our beginnings: Founders & the Formation of Friends of Raymond (History)
- FOR Timeline: Parker Hills talks about the acquisition of the battlefield properties, the acquisitions of the cannons, and the generosity of others. (History)
- Ribbon Cutting for the Raymond Battlefield (History)
- Our Historic Rail Fence (History)
- A Founder’s Monument: Ride With Generals (History)
- Transferring ownership of the Battlefields to the Vicksburg Military Park (History)
- Walking Trails and Other Maps – (Maps)
- “Twilight Tour” on the Raymond Battlefield (History)
- Parker Hills: The Guns of Raymond (History)
- Parker Hills: “Battlefield Detectives” Dig for Clues (History)
- Significance of Miles Tract (History)
Mississippi and The Civil War | Road To Raymond